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发布时间:2021-10-15   来源:医疗健康资讯网    

  现代快报讯(记者 卢河燕)为了让在苏外国友人及时了解最新疫情发展情况,江苏省外办联合现代快报,在中文疫情通报的基础上,推出英语、日语和韩语三个语种的疫情通报。今日通报如下:









  Latest Update on COVID-19 Cases in Jiangsu as of 24:00 October 14

  Between 00:00 and 24:00 of October 14, no new confirmed case was reported in Jiangsu.

  At present, six confirmed cases are under isolated treatment at designated hospitals and three asymptomatic carriers are under medical observation, all inbound cases.

  From January 22, 2020 on, 1,600 confirmed COVID-19 cases (including 148 inbound ones) have been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively.

  Experts note that: We must remain vigilant in light of the complexity of epidemic control and the greater challenges brought by the Delta variant with fast spread and rapid replication in the human body and long time needed to turn negative. Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their own health. It is necessary for us to keep good hygiene habits, support and cooperate in taking control measures, and build a strong defense against COVID-19.

  1. Increase awareness of personal prevention. Maintain good habits for health such as washing hands regularly, wearing a mask, ventilating rooms more often, reducing gatherings, using serving chopsticks, and dining separately. Seek medical treatment in line with regulatory procedures as soon as possible when symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sore throat, reduced sense of smell and taste, conjunctivitis (pink eye), muscle pain and diarrhea show, and inform medical staff of your whereabouts and contact history over the previous 14 days. Keep the mask on and avoid using public transport when seeking treatment.

  2. Avoid unnecessary trips to overseas areas and medium and high-risk regions. Follow closely domestic dynamics of the virus and changes to medium and high-risk regions. Those coming to Jiangsu from medium or high-risk regions shall cooperate in conducting a 14-day (starting from the date of departure from medium or high-risk regions) medical quarantine in designated facilities. Those coming to Jiangsu from low-risk areas in cities of medium or high risk should inform their community upon arrival in Jiangsu and cooperate in conducting nucleic acid tests.

  3. Maintain routine prevention and control. Keep the mask on, especially in crowded places with poor ventilation, cooperate in checking body temperature and keep a one-meter distance away from others when you are in public areas such as malls, restaurants, hotels, cinemas and sport stadiums. Properly wear your mask when taking the elevator, public transport and when going to hospitals where you may meet patients with fever or respiratory symptoms, and medical practitioners and transport practitioners in high-risk conditions should especially follow this rule.

  4. Seek inoculation. Inoculation is the most effective way against COVID-19, and helps to build herd immunity, mitigate the pandemic’s impacts and end its spread, thus protecting your and your family’s health. Please take the vaccination on time and in order following the instructions of your community or employer as well as the inoculation procedures.






  当面、新型コロナウイルス感染の抑制情勢は依然として複雑であり、少しも警戒を緩めることはできない。速い感染力、速い体内増殖そして陰性に回復期間が長引くというデルタ株に対し、感染予防 抑制が更なるチャレンジに直面している。自分自身の健康の第一の責任者として、個人一人一人は、いつまでも予防意識で抑制対策に協力し、団結して感染症と戦う社会の防御ラインをしっかりと築き上げる。

  一、個人の予防意識の強化。こまめな手洗い、マスクの着用、風通し、集会への控え、取り分け箸の使用、分食制などの良い個人衛生習慣を守る。発熱、空咳、倦怠感、鼻詰まり、鼻水、のどの痛み、嗅覚 味覚の低下、結膜炎、筋肉痛、下痢などの症状が出たら、すぐ厳格な手順で受診し、14日間の活動軌跡と接触履歴を知らせる。病院に行く場合、マスクを着用するうえ、公共交通機関の利用を控えること。

  二、必要でない限り、海外及びハイ ミドルリスク地域に行かないこと。国内の新型コロナウイルス感染症の動向及び中 高リスク地域の変化に深い関心を寄せ、ハイ ミドルリスク地域に居住歴のある方は、14日間(ハイ ミドルリスク地域を離れた日より)の隔離医学的観察に協力すること。ハイ ミドルリスク地域からではないのに、その所在市のローリスク地域から来た人でも、コミュニティーに積極的に報告し、PCR検査に協力すること。

  三、常態化の予防 抑制措置を維持すること。人が集まる場所や密閉空間ではマスクを着用すること。ショッピングモール、レストラン、ホテル、映画館、体育館などの公共の場所では、マスクの着用し、検温 健康コードの確認、1メートルの社交距離などの対策に積極的に協力する。公共交通機関やエレベーターを利用する場合や、病院で受診する場合、発熱や呼吸器感染症の患者さんや、医療 交通 運輸業界などで露出リスクが高い人は、マスクを正しく着用すべきこと。


